VSUES in cooperation with business: Forum «Export Potential of Primorye»


On May 26, on the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship, the third forum "Export Potential" was held at the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Primorye", where exporters, industrialists, commodity producers, representatives of state bodies and public organizations of the region discussed the prospects of export activities in the new realities. The forum was organized and held by the My
Business Center within the framework of the national project "International Cooperation and Export" with the support of the Government of the Primorsky Territory, the Primorsky Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Ministry of Forestry and Protection of Wildlife Objects and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Primorsky Territory, business associations of the territory. The forum program included specialized round tables on all areas of export activity-from the production of products for export to working with foreign partners and sending the first batches of goods. Thus, the round table was devoted to the discussion of logistics opportunities for exporters of Primorye. Experts of the Vladivostok
branch of JSC "Russian Railways Logistics" and DVTU informed how the international-native checkpoints with an increase in capacity and what tasks appeared in the "post-crisis" time when organizing rail transport . Specialists of the logistics industry presented new services that will help
expand the route network for the delivery of goods to China: transportation in flexitanks, express trains, transit logistics, customs support services for customers, logistics outsourcing. A topical topic for discussion was the change in the legislation regarding exthe port of timber. Experts Chairman of the association" Dalexportles " Alexander Sidorenko and Pavel Korchagin, director of the Primorsky Association of Timber Producers and Exporters of Timber "PALEX", reported on the situation with the export of timber materials after 2021 in connection with the ban on the export of unprocessed wood, assessing the possible consequences for the economy of Primorye. The upcoming major changes in
both forest legislation and legislation related to foreign economic activity, for example, changes in duties on various types of products, according tothey will have a direct impact on the work of timber enterprises.